Terms & Conditions
General Sales and Delivery Conditions
I. Conclusion of offer and contract
1. Offers are subject to confirmation and without obligation.
2. Analysis reports and other descriptions of goods in certificates of analysis, catalogs, technical data sheets or other submitted product documents are only roughly authoritative, unless explicitly described as binding. They do not represent an agreement or a warranty of a corresponding constitution of the goods. Anything else only applies if a
Reptil Venom Shop business manager defines a product description explicitly as warranty or agreement on the legal and factual nature, and communicates this to the orderer in writing.
3. Reptil Venom Shop reserves all ownership and copyright connected to all offer documents. Such documents may not be presented to third parties.
4. Orders are for Reptil Venom Shop without obligation. The orderer is bound to his order for 2 weeks. Reptil Venom Shop’s silence regarding offers, orders, demands or other explanations given by the orderer only apply as approval if it was explicitly agreed upon in writing. Any order confirmation created electronically, which does not bear a signature and will be deemed to constitute written form. If the order confirmation contains obvious errors, mistakes or mistakes, it is not obligatory for Reptil Venom Shop .
5. If the contract has been unilaterally annulled by the orderer or an order / partial order unilaterally canceled by the orderer, the orderer has to reimburse Reptil Venom Shop for all costs, which originated through the contract termination / cancellation; This applies especially to the cancellation or rescission of fees which have been charged to
Reptil Venom Shop for the delivery, costs for the purchase of goods which can not be returned and all other expenditures which have been charged to Reptil Venom Shop during the contract management and cancellation, Fees, transportation costs, etc.
II. Scope Of Delivery / Conditions Of Delivery
Reptil Venom Shop is entitled to ten days of all deliveries, unless the partial delivery has no meaning for the orderer and the orderer has referred hereunto in the contract.
2. If the orderer does not explicitly insist on a certain shipping method, then the type of shipping is Reptil Venom Shop’s discretion, i.e. The shipping may be done by air, rail, ship or road.
3. All deliveries are quoted ex works or warehouse. The respective current logistic fees, displayed online on our website www.bestvenompharmacy.com, apply.
4. A return of goods and the corresponding credit note is only possible with
Reptil Venom Shop’s consent and must always meet
Reptil Venom Shop’s instructions concerning the return of deliveries. The orderer is responsible to meet those instructions. This applies in particular to the provisions of the legislation on the delivery and packaging of dangerous goods. All delivery commitments of Reptil Venom Shop are under restriction “while stocks last”. Therefore Reptil Venom Shop can withdraw from the contract, if the stock is depleted.
III. Delivery Time
1. Terms of delivery and deadlines are without obligation, if they have not been explicitly described as binding.
2. The terms of delivery start with the entry order or the dispatch of the order confirmation through Reptil Venom Shop if applicable.
3. The terms of delivery are met if the goods have left the site until these terms are expired.
4. In case of delay in delivery, the orderer has the right to withdraw from the contract after the fruitless expiration of a reasonable time extension of 4 weeks with the refusal to accept the performance, which he gave
Reptil Venom Shop after a delay in delivery.
IV. Prices And Payment
1. All consumption, sales or indirect taxes, customs, examination and acceptance fees or rather all taxes, fees or liabilities of all kind, which have been stipulated through national authorities or rather allocated to business between Reptil Venom Shop and the orderer, are To be paid by the orderer in addition to the advertising price or invoice price. Reptil Venom Shop is not obliged to point to possible taxes and fees.
2. Reptil Venom Shop accepts several payment options. The orderer agrees to the conditions, which are bound to the respective payment options. The availability of individual payment options may be limited if necessary.
• Bank Transfer
1. The handling of payments is carried out through the Reptil Venom Shop company. The client agrees to absorb all banking fees. If the full amount has not been credited, Reptil Venom Shop reserves the right to adjust the amount to the amount transferred by the orderer.
2. For the payment via bank transfer, the orderer may only use reason for transfer given by Reptil Venom Shop . If this guideline has been violated,
Reptil Venom Shop reserves the right to cancel the order. In this case the banking fees have to be paid by the orderer as well.
• Bitcoin
After the payment has been made, the client commits to contact the customer to verify the payment. The verification should be done within 30 days. Once the deadline expires, Reptil Venom Shop does not grant any guarantee for payment identification.
• MoneyGram / Western Union
All possible fees have to be paid by the customer. To process a payment,
Reptil Venom Shop uses Western Union / MoneyGram external service providers. The customer also has to pay the fees charged by these service providers.
V. Passing Of Risk
1. The risk is passed on to the orderer once the goods are handed over to the person responsible for the shipment or have left the site of
Reptil Venom Shop for the purpose of shipping. This also applies in the case of partial deliveries or if Reptil Venom Shop has absorbed other services such as transport costs.
2. If the orderer fails to do so or violates other obligations to cooperate,
Reptil Venom Shop can demand the compensation of the damage suffered including possible additional expenses. The risk of a random loss or a random degradation of the goods passes to the orderer at the moment in which his delay in acceptance commences. Reptil Venom Shop is entitled to, after the fruitless expiry of a reasonable grace period, to dispose of the goods otherwise and make delivery to the orderer within a reasonably extended period.
3. Delivered goods shall be accepted by the orderer irrespective of any claims based on defects even if the products show insignificant defects.
FOR. Usage Of The Products By The Orderer
Reptil Venom Shop products are designed for the purpose of laboratory experiment and may not be used for other purposes as long as no other details are given on product labels, the Reptil Venom Shop catalogs or other documents handed over to the orderer. Especially those
Reptil Venom Shop products may not be used for in-vitro diagnostics for the manufacture of food products and pharmaceutical products as well as cosmetic products.
2. Reptil Venom Shop does not check the products for safety and potency of food products, pharmaceutical products, medical appliances, cosmetics as well as for commercial purposes or other purposes, unless specifically described in the documents handed over by Reptil Venom Shop . We explicitly advises the orderer to properly test, use, manufacture and advertise the products obtained from Reptil Venom Shop and / or the products obtained with the help of Reptil Venom Shop . The orderer has to check possible risks and dangers and to carry out all other necessary research work to catch up on the dangers, which may be the result of the use of products obtained from Reptil Venom Shop . The orderer also has warn his orderers and there support personnel (such as transport operator etc.) regarding the potential risks and dangers connected to the use or handling of the products.
3. The Reptil Venom Shop products are written on the Chemicals Prohibition Ordinance List or other legal ordinances. The orderer himself is responsible for complying with legal ordinances concerning the handling of substances obtained through Reptil Venom Shop .
4. Reptil Venom Shop explicitly advises the orderer to check the product ingredients provided by Reptil Venom Shop,
VII. Warranty rights and liabilities
1. The orderer’s warranty rights assume that the checker checks the goods on receipt and communicates defects electronically and immediately, latest 1 week after reception to Reptil Venom Shop . The orderer should describe the defects or rather the substantiation through analysis.
VIII. Act Of God
1. If an Act of God has prevented Reptil Venom Shop from fulfilling its contractual obligations, in particular the delivery of goods, We shall be exempted from its duties for the duration of the impediment with the addition of a reasonable start-up time, without The orderer having any right to claim compensation.
The same applies if the fulfillment of Reptil Venom Shop ’s may be unreasonable, hindered or allowed impossible due to unforeseen circumstances and circumstances we can not be held responsible for, in particular because of labor dispute, official measures, energy shortfall, impediment to delivery by a Supplier or substantial interruption of operations.
2. Reptil Venom Shop has the right to withhold from the contract if such a obstacle lasts for more than four months and the contract is no longer fulfilled for Reptil Venom Shop L because of the obstacle. If the orderer insists, once the deadline has expired, We has to explain if they will make use of the right of withdrawal or deliver the goods within an acceptable deadline. Claims for indemnity of the orderer are excluded.
IX. Export
Reptil Venom Shop explicitly advises the orderer, that during the export, the items are subject to the respective limitations of the destination country. Reptil Venom Shop reserves the right to conduct an expert judgment internal to judge if the contract can be executed to
Reptil Venom Shop ’s discretion. In this connection, the orderer is obliged to obtain the necessary certificates and present them to Reptil Venom Shop for examination.
2. The orderer may not sell Reptil Venom Shop ’s goods or make them available to third parties.
X. Privacy protection
Reptil Venom Shop only collects data that is necessary for the processing of the order. Reptil Venom Shop does not provide information to third parties, authorities or other institutions. Customers have the ability to cancel their client account at any moment and to unsubscribe from the newsletter. For client accounts with no completed order, a handling fee of EUR 10 may be imposed for the deletion of the account.
I. End-Use Declaration
Herewith The Customer Declares Legally Binding,
1. That he / she is at least 18 years old and of full legal capacity (if not available here, a copy of the identity card or passport can be demanded by Reptil Venom Shop as a form of proof)
2. That the article was ordered does not violate Reptil Venom Shop ’s export limitations at issue and is not subject to legal restrictions in the respective destination country.